Samir Karnib

  • Samir Karnib is a Solicitor with a passion and skill for advocacy, appearing regularly in the Local, District and Supreme Court of NSW. Samir also appears in specialist areas of NSW law courts, including the Land and Environment Court of NSW, Federal Court of Australia and NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Samir also appears in several criminal law matters, including prosecutions involving SafeWork NSW, NSW Fair Trading and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
  • Samir is also experienced in Property Law, specialising in electronic property settlements via PEXA Australia and acting for both vendors and purchasers.
  • Samir is a member of the Law Society of New South Wales and has also been admitted as a Solicitor of the High Court of Australia.
  • Samir’s special areas of practice include Civil Litigation, Property, Environment and Planning, Wills and Estates, Planning and Development, Building & Construction, Commercial & Corporate and Work Health & Safety